We appreciate your interest in obtaining a license to utilize PTS Barricade products. We look forward to working with you to enhance the value of your products and services. Please complete the simple steps below and we will respond to you very soon!
How to apply:
PTS Barricade Licensing
139-44 87 Ave
Briarwood, NY 11435
For questions, please call (347) 449-8887.
How to apply:
- Complete and submit the online form below.
- Then mail a formal request for license on your company's letter head that includes a detailed description of the model or models your company would like to carry and ways our brand can be incorporated into your company's existing business operations.
PTS Barricade Licensing
139-44 87 Ave
Briarwood, NY 11435
For questions, please call (347) 449-8887.